Warn Them!

Warn Them!

I scribbled this word down as it came in the midst of my prayers, and then I forgot about it until the Lord led me to it today.  I must share it now. This is what the Spirit of the Lord impressed upon me…

The Good shepherd is calling for His sheep to come into His fold.
That they will be safe from the terrors that are coming forth with the Beast.
Behold, My lambs do not know the sound of My voice above the din of the Sea in their ears.
They must be called!

My servants who do hear and see must harken to Me and My love, and care for My little ones.
They must call out to My babes:
“Come in to Me!”
The times of dark are now descending upon the Earth.
Come quickly into the fold that you may be with Me!”
Tell them what I have said!

It is not a message of doom to My children;
It is a call of their Father to “Come home!”
Leave your worldly things behind!
I have all provision, all you need with Me.
You do not need anything of this earth for your journey.

Do not shrink away from the message!
I care for you, My children, as that is a Father’s heart and responsibility.
I care for My own!
Why suffer with those who deny Me?

I am calling, and My servants must answer for the hearing of My voice
and their response to the message of My love.
Be the voice to those I call.
Expose the darkness that comes, before it is upon them.

For then, within the dark, they will ask, “Why were we not warned?”
Why did those I put on the gates not cry out?  Why were they not told?
Behold, the wise and the pure would have heeded and escaped.
There is but a little time remaining.”

When I say to the wicked, ‘You shall surely die,’ and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life, that same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand.  Yet if you warn the wicked, and he does not turn from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you have delivered your soul.  (Ezekiel 3:18019)

This Word was given to me on January 16th 2014

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