

The messages and words posted here are inspired by the Holy Spirit. This website and blog are for the glory and honor of the Father who is eternal in the heavens.  He is perfect, I am not.  I share these words with the understanding that they must align with the whole Word of God as contained in scripture.  All scripture is quoted from the King James translation unless otherwise noted.

These words come from the One who loves you as a passionate, intensely involved, gracious loving Father, who is seeking His children to come into His Home, as His very own adopted children — redeemed and ransomed fully from the world; Transformed from what you were, into the precious children of His heart!  By the love, grace and transforming power of His living words, we are washed clean, made whole, and restored into what He created us to be!  We are given new names and identities that are far, far removed from the identities we were born into in this dark and corrupt world.  We are loved! We are treasured!  We are all uniquely fashioned by His infinite love, and oh so gentle loving hands; each according to His intimate knowledge of every pain and hurt and fear that brought you to this place.  For He is far more compassionate than you can ever imagine!  For He is Love!

All that is presented here is because He loves you!  These are words, Words of Life that flow from the Garden where He meets with us, where we are transformed, find peace, grace and eternal life!  He desires us to feast upon His Words!  Eat of them like fruit, and meat, and all that is delightful to you!  Taste and see that He is Good!  Like honey to the lips, His Words are sweet and wholesome and for the washing and transformation of all those who partake of them!

The scripture passages cited in the articles posted on this site are referenced for the purpose of confirming the words the Lord impressed upon me.  I include them so that you may search and study the scriptures to see how beautifully everything conforms together and is grounded in Him.  The references cited are not intended as a direct quote of any written translation of the Bible, but rather as a reference to anchor my writing in scripture, recording His words as they are imparted upon me.  I have confirmed the veracity of them according to written scripture, and give the references so that you may do the same.