The LORD Prepares the Vessel for the Parting of the Spirit to Return to Him

The LORD Prepares the Vessel for the Parting of the Spirit to Return to Him

  A Teaching From The Lord.  

In the evening of Resurrection Sunday 2021, the LORD, the Good Shepherd, the Beloved BrideGroom brought to Himself one of His precious ones… My very best friend for decades. She is beloved by many as a “spiritual mother” and Women’s Minister; She is the mother of three beautiful children and their spouses, the wife of one man, and the indulgent grandmother of 8 precious grandchildren. But most importantly, she was known as “One who loved her Lord,” and her greatest desire was, To Know Him!
I never believed I would be here without her. Like many who loved her, I find that I have been caught off guard by the unexpected departure of this precious jewel from the earth. I will say, the earth itself is poorer for her no longer being here, but richer by far for the years she spent on the earth, pouring out goodnesses and mercy, and the very spirit of the Lord who gave her life, into the earth and those the Lord used her to intercede for! She was the manifestation of what a woman of God looks like, talks like, lives like, IS like! She was like the One she adored and loved and worshiped for all the days I knew her.

Yes… I am still grieving. I am still trying to find a way to function without the friend who prayed with me and guided me, taught and counseled me through almost 30 years of life and growth in the Lord. I have said time and again, and marveled that “My Lord is so, so good! His mercy endures forever! He lays up provision, spiritual food and wisdom long before I come to the place where I need to draw upon it!” Two days ago when I got up, He again mercifully brought me my daily Bread; –Wisdom and teaching I had no memory of, but laid up for me for this time in my life when this very question is also being asked by so many others. We wonder, IF it was His will that “this” happened, and we wonder, If they knew…? We are searching for answers…

This is what my Lord led me to from my prayer journal of Monday, March 1, 2010…

During the night, there was much the Lord was instructing me about, and I know I asked Holy Spirit to remind and instruct me in what He was showing me when I awoke. He is forever faithful, and I remember the last thing that I felt He was speaking or teaching me in the night, was concerning the moment when He takes the spirit from the body of flesh! This is the teaching:
The Lord begins to prepare the “Vessel” for the parting of the spirit to return to HIm.  All those who He takes, are prepared for this moment.  None are taken without for-knowledge and given a spirit of peace to leave behind their time in this earthly realm.  This is a mercy He extends specifically to those He is claiming, and who belong to Him.  

For those who have rejected Him repeatedly, and chosen to live according to the standards and ideals of the idols, demonic rulers and principalities of this fallen world; Those who have shaken their fists in defiance of the mercies of the Lord to the very end…Those who are not His, are claimed by their “Prince”.  –Theirs, is the Prince of darkness, and there is no warning or comfort offered to them.  They are taken in violence to the depths of darkness, to everlasting torment and torture.  They served their Prince in this life, and they will be subjected to the recompense of their ways.  For them, there is no longer the mercy extended.  Theirs is the hand of violence that grabs them and forces them down into the pits from which they shall never escape.  They pledged their eternal souls to darkness, whether intentionally or not, and that is what they shall reap for their devotion to their own ways, and rejection of the Lord of Life and Mercy and Grace.

But to those who are  tender and meek, to those that are still seeking goodness and faithfulness,  love and mercy, it shall be shown to them; For ours is indeed a Lord of Mercy and Love!   He will show Himself to those who seek HIm.  He will make Himself known to those that have sought Him, and He shall be their Father and they shall forever be called His Children!  I was so comforted in the knowledge that “No one who goes to the bosom of the Father is unprepared for their departure.  They are made ready for that moment!” 

There is first, a breaking apart of the three elements of the being; The spirit, the body and the soul: The thoughts and personality.  Their spirit is now in its intended position, as the intended portal of knowledge and understanding: Not the mind, and not the body of flesh.  The spirit is made alive and aware.  The body of flesh is abandoned as the lifeless tent it was before the Breath of Life inhabited it, and the emotional intelligence of the soul is subservient to the spirit again.  The separation prepares their spirit and the soul to return to the Father.  It is a beautiful tranquil time that may take only moments in our earth-time, but to the one that is being made ready, it takes place in a portal without “time” for it is in the spirit and the spirit takes no account of “time.”  

What does this all mean? It means that those who belong to the Lord are prepared for His coming for them! I KNOW this because the week before the Lord brought His beloved one home… He gave me a dream and a word concerning her, which I shared with her. He was speaking with her at the base of the mountains of the King… His Eternal Kingdom. Her favorite book of the Bible was Song of Songs and she loved to read it again and again, as she understood it was about the Bridegroom and His Bride! In the dream He was inviting her to come away with Him to the mountain of Frankincense and Myrrh… Speaking with her as a close and intimate friend…
I did not realize until after she took His hand and went with Him on Resurrection Sunday, what the dream was about. Then, He led me to this teaching. He loved her so much!

He loves those who love Him, and He pursues ALL the lost, to bring them to the safety of His fold… He is the Good Shepherd, and He is not willing that ANY should perish, but that ALL would receive what He gave His life to give to us all on the Cross: Everlasting and eternal life with Him! We all will have a Resurrection Day when we leave behind our worn out earthly tents of flesh, and enter into His Everlasting Kingdom prepared for us before the foundation of world.

RESURRECTION DAY: To the one who knows Jesus Christ, it is NOT “Easter!” Please do not ever equate what the LORD our God gave and sacrificed for you, with a bunny that leaves colored eggs! Notice how the Greatest Day in History… when VICTORY over HELL and DEATH and SIN was completely accounted for, is CORRUPTED and polluted by a Pagan Rite of the Enemy. Satan was defeated at the Cross. The RESURRECTION of our LORD AND SAVIOR confirmed the Bride price was paid and accepted by the Father in Heaven. Satan wants you to celebrate what?? Answer: Anything but the TRUTH, the WAY and the LIFE! The motive of the enemy of your soul is to keep you distracted and your attention diverted away from the Cross: His Defeat! Satan only wins if he can get you to forget your Lord, and keep you too busy to hear the Voice of the One who loves you with every last drop of blood He gave for you!

Oh, there is a resurrection day for all… But for those who have been kept in deception and pursuing the worthless things of this fallen world, substituting a bunny with eggs for a RISEN SAVIOR, and forgetting you indeed have an eternal soul… Please wake up! WAKE UP before it is too late and you are caught unaware that your time in your earthly tent is now come to an end! Wake up and take the hand of the Savior who loves you! Seek Him while He may be found! Taste and see that the Lord is GOOD! For those who turn away from Him all their lives, will not know their day or hour; And they will also enter into an eternity… Only without Him! Do not allow yourself to be drawn away from the Lover of your soul, by the enemy of your soul! As the scriptures say… TODAY, if you hear His voice, Answer Him! Come to Him, all who are weary and heavy laden, and you will find eternal rest for your soul!

Matthew 11:28-30— Come unto Me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. for My yoke is easy and My burden is light!
Luke 16:20-31 — Jesus tells a story concerning a certain beggar named Lazarus who was laid at the gate of a certain rich man who lived in splendor every day. The rich man is not even given a name. But Jesus KNOWS those who belong to Him… He knows his name! Jesus says that the rich man passed Lazarus every day… but the dogs seemed to care more for his condition.. for they licked his sores. And when this lowly beggar died, he was carried by the angels into Abrahams bosom to be comforted… (and to await the time when Jesus was resurrected and then he would also go to the Father in heaven!) But the nameless rich man died and was buried. We now see him in eternal torment, reduced to begging for a single drop of water to fall from the finger of Lazarus onto his tongue.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son, so that who so ever believes in Him shall not perish but shall have everlasting Life!
Ephesians 2:10– For we are His masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God has prepared for us beforehand so that we could walk in them.
Jeremiah 31:3. The Lord appeared to us in the past saying, I have loved you with an everlasting love: and I have drawn youth unfailing kindness.
Psalm 139:13-16 — For You created my inmost being! You knit me together my mother’s womb! I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful and I know that fully well. My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in the secret place, woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days of my life are ordained for me, written in Your book before on of them came to be.
Psalms 100: 3-5 — Know that the Lord is God! It is He that has made us and not we ourselves! We are His people and the sheep of HIS pasture. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praises… For the LORD is good and His lovingkindness and faithfulness lasts forever unto all generations.
Romans 5:8– But God demonstrates His love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us!
1 John 3:1– See what great love the Father has lavished upon us that we should be called the children of God!

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