Let My People GO!

Let My People GO!

On the day before we celebrate the Resurrection of THE Risen LORD, Jesus Christ the Lamb of God and Savior of the World, (April 16, 2022) I am led to this Word. The Word of God is Eternal. It is never old. It is never out of Season. It is Living! I was seeking Manna for the Day and I was led to this Word given 11 years ago. Today is the day to pick up this Living Word and make it a part of us. We are to eat of Him… His blood shed for us to save us forever, and His body is our bread! It is our Life!
In my time with the Lord I was pondering His Holiness… and amazed again that He would choose to love ME. How many times have I failed Him? How many times has He told me to come away from the world and simply abide and rest in Him? How many times would I keep looking at the headlines of the world and forget His Words of life to me… and as I turn from His Words of Life… to the chatter of the world… I grow weak. My faith falters. My hearing and eyes dim… How many times He has gone after me, cleansed me, forgives me and again and again admonishes me to “Come away!”
But the battle is real and the magnetism of the distractions of the world is strong! “Egypt” is still a powerful force of bondage… Egypt is the house of bondage! It is distractions and fear and the anxieties of our lives.
We NEED our Savior! We need our Hero! We need our Deliverer who declares, “Let My People, My Children Come unto Me!” Our Hero broke our chains. He defeated our enemies. They are destroyed. But… Will we Go?? He calls us to arise with our Risen Lord and come into the House of the Lord! WILL we arise and go forth across that sea to come to Him?
Being SET free is one thing… LIVING FREE is another. Yet, our Lord provides all we need to live free in Christ Jesus our Lord. He is our Rescue, our Life, our Guard, our Food, our Water, our Light, our Comforter, our Friend, our Protection, our Provision, our Counsel, our Guide, our Shelter, our source of Wisdom and Understanding, our Healer. He is I AM that I AM! What do we need? He has gone before us and He is behind us… Eternity past and Eternity to come and everything in-between. He is Holy and yet He humbled Himself to take on flesh and become a man, in order to give His Holy Blood as a ransom… for ME! Because of MY SIN! And then, He clothes us in HIS Holy Righteousness… even when I am still failing HIM!

HIs Voice shakes the earth! His Voice rends the rocks and calls us out of our graves of sin… “LET MY PEOPLE GO! “

Now I will share what the Eternal, the Spirit of the Living God shared with me this morning… it is Eternal and Everlasting! Eat of Him and you will never die! Eat His Words… take them deep within you and make them a part of your being! He who IS the Tree of Life has much food to offer those who will reach out and partake of Him. Remember at the Last Supper of the Lord… When He divided the bread, He served His Disciples… all still had to reach out and take that which He offered to them. And yet there was still one among them… who did not eat of the Tree of Eternal Life. That man, that disciple was still in bondage in Egypt. That man did not receive the Eternal Life offered to him.

How frightening it is to think…. You can walk with the Lord Himself in the flesh for more than 3 years… eat at His table… allow Him to wash your feet, serve you, protect you, give you authority to cast out demons and heal the sick and perform miracles. You have all that time to see and witness His wonders, Hear His Wisdom, sit at His feet. And then…walk out into the night and betray Him, and be eternally lost. Judas knew all about Jesus the King of Kings, but he did not know Him as Savior and Redeemer. He did not receive the gift. The Gift of Eternal Life from Christ must be received! I am exhorting you all…. RECEIVE HIM AS YOUR LORD AND SAVIOR… He is the The Way, the Truth and the Life! NO man comes unto the Father but by Him. He who IS the Lamb of God… the Sacrificial Passover Lamb for the World! Partake of this Holy Holy Holy Lord. Then arise and leave Egypt behind you! Arise and go to Jesus!


My Holiness is so great that a single sip of the Waters, contains mysteries and their understandings to a formally unimagined degree.
It is deceptive to think that there could not be much more.
I Am indeed, Endless, just as I Am without Beginning;
 —There is Infinity within the Infinity of I Am!  

There is contained within a single molecule, mysteries’ of Life, that even now, your scientists are just beginning to understand. —And each new discovery opens a new realm of possibilities and questions.
If therefore, man has yet to fully understand the nature of a molecule,
— How then can you understand the Power of a single sip of My Waters? 
How could you begin to understand the LIFE contained in that sip? 
And at the bottom of that sip, if you do come to the bottom it, the FAITH to gain the UNDERSTANDING  will be the requirement to take yet another sip!

That is why men stop. 
They believe that each discovery is yet another degree of depth, when it is only the unlocking of a tiny part of the one.
They do not understand that they have so much more. And if they will understand that, their Faith in that will unlock the mysteries contained within the present sip, and open the way to another. 

There is no end to the revelation: For it is MY Glory that is being revealed.
And as Moses asked for Me to show him My Glory, so I Am anxious and delighted to reveal My Glory to My Children.  ~For as My Glory is revealed to each Child, it is reflected upon their countenances… And it is then revealed to those in the outer courts and the courts of the Nations! —My Light draws men unto Me! 

As the World is getting darker, men are looking for Light to give them hope:

They are looking for a Light.
 It is too often, the counterfeit “lights” of the Enemy that will draw My Children unto themselves, and into bondage to lies and deceptions, if the True Light of My Children is not boldly allowed to shine through.

 Too often it is the “light” of the Enemy that is seeking those in the alleys and highways and byways.  It is the “light” of the Enemy that is enslaving and taking captive My Precious Children: ~Because those in the organization they call their “Church” are involved in power-struggles over the Light! 

The Light is greatly diminished by striving.  It requires the fullness of Truth in the Believer to bring a pure Light. 

In the pure Light, the Counterfeits are clearly seen as only another kind of Darkness!

Pride also dims the Pure Light of the Truth.  For Pride takes what is Mine and makes it theirs… Holding jealously onto the Truth:
Not giving All Honor and Glory unto the Giver of Life and Light!
Pride attributes (to themselves) works of their revelation and giftings which came from My hand: They are gifts, given freely to those who ask,
 —To be used for the saving and rescue of My People.
 I Am saying again, “LET MY PEOPLE GO!”

Just as Pharaoh was provoked to go forth against My People in order to destroy them from the earth, So I Am again provoking the Enemy against My People.
 I do this in order that My people may know that I AM: And I alone AM their Protector!  I shall not allow a hair on their heads to perish under the wrath of the evil one.

Yet, I shall gather all those that do evil, together against MY chosen;
and there, I shall pour out My wrath upon them. 

The Righteous shall see the strong and mighty arm of the Lord work deliverance on their behalf, and on behalf of all the Saints that have fallen to the evil devices of the Worlds’ spirit before this Time.
At this Time, I shall indeed put an end to the evil and the workings of the spirit of this World.

I shall settle accounts at this Time. 
I shall reward My Saints. 

I shall protect My Children, and I shall bring forth the wrath of the ages upon those who stand before Me In The Valley Of Decision, and choose to do evil!

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