Wealth is a Test! Give and Distribute Abundantly!

Wealth is a Test! Give and Distribute Abundantly!

I awoke knowing a concept had turned over and over in my spirit throughout the night, but I could not grasp it.  I only remember the conscious thought, “This is primitive!” It was something so ancient…but I could not even assign a word to describe any of it beyond that. Then almost immediately, I was pondering all the goodness our Holy Father has poured out upon our family. Why should we be so blessed?  I asked what the connection could possibly be between what I was pondering all night, but could not grasp, and this seemingly unrelated tangent my mind took off on as soon as I placed my feet on the floor. But I could not stop turning the questions around in my mind about what we should do with what we have been given: Let it go?  Keep it?  What about the up-keep?  Are we stretched too far?

My Father began to speak to my spirit:

“Again, you are thinking in terms of limitations and poverty.
There is no such thing as lack in My Kingdom.”
I give to those that will give and distribute!
If I choose to bless My children, it is for My pleasure and My glory!

I do not take back the things that I give to My children!
It is by My grace.  It is a blessing of My love.

Be faithful with your offerings and gifts in order that I may bless them.
The more you give, the more I bless.
(Luke 6:38)
When you hold on, you will experience lack.
It is the one who fears poverty and gives nothing of his own,
and finds that what he has is diminished.
Those who give and keep their eyes on Me will never experience lack (Proverbs 28:27)

Give to the ones you see struggling.  Give, and give generously.
Do not keep account of what you are giving.
Do not mentally add it up; just give when you see the need.
Give when your heart is moved to give.  Ask Me how much and I will tell you.
I Am using you as a blessing in this manner.
Shall I not take care of My children?

You look to agencies based on the earth to give to the needy:
look to My Vessels to give to the needy.
They are both store-houses.
Just as you look for charities that give out the most of what you give,
so also I give to those who retain little for themselves;
Yet, that portion can be a great blessing.

Did I not lavish splendor on My people, Israel?
Did I not fill their streets with silver and gold until silver was as common as stones in the city of Jerusalem under My servant Solomon?

I bless those who bless and serve Me.
I bless them in the way that best shows them off for the jewels they are for Me.

Do not: Do not compare yourself to others!
Do not expect Me to treat all My children the same.
They all have different uses. 

(2 Timothy 2:20)

The test is how obediently each walks in their own anointing and path.  (Jeremiah 18:6)
If I choose to bless one with wealth, and another with the struggle of want, what is that to you?
Are you not to give of your excess to the one in want,
so that his prayers are answered, and his faith in Me grows?
Are you not tested by your wealth, and he by his need?
(Proverbs 30:9

In both cases, your faith is being tested and built up.
Yes!  Wealth is a test! 
Extreme wealth is as difficult as poverty!
Both test the heart, but there is a greater responsibility with wealth!
Do not hold onto it!  Let it go and let it flow.
Do not consider it yours to hold on to, and you will see more and more flow into your hands.

“Greed” and “fear of want” act as a resister in the current of blessing.
Money is only a tool; It is only an imaginary thing.

If you act like a pauper with nothing, you will be a pauper with nothing.
If you
act as though what you give today will be replenished tomorrow,
you will have unlimited flow!
This is a test of faith.

 Banish all thoughts of guilt for being blessed.
Why should you feel guilty about My sovereign grace to you?
What have you done to deserve My grace?
And what has anyone else done that I should owe them My blessing?

I Am the One who gives wealth, and the ability to get wealth. (Deuteronomy 8:18)
I Am He who promises that with the getting of Wisdom and Understanding, (
Proverbs 4:7) there is peace and wealth on the left and on the right.

You have been asking for wisdom. You have been seeking Me.
Shall I not perform that which I have promised in My word to You?
I do not make empty promises.
I will perform My word to the absolute greatest degree, and exceedingly more!
Seek first My Kingdom, and all these will be added unto you.  (
Proverbs 6:33)
Give first!  The blessing follows.

Step out, and before your foot falls onto the invisible path, there is a place for it to land.
I will perform all that I have spoken, that My Name will be given as a light and a beacon: A Name you can trust.
I give to each according to their works:
And any work done without faith is worthless—It is done unto self
Do your works unto Me, and according to My leading. (
Romans 14:22)
I would not have you go where I cannot keep you, or give beyond
My means to give!
If you want to be able to take care of those you love, when they are in need,
you must give now.”

[Originally Composed: November 6, 2015]

The Scripture passages are referenced so that you may study the scriptures to see how beautifully everything conforms together and is grounded in Him.  The references are not intended as a direct quote of any written translation of the Bible, but rather as a reference to anchor my writing in scripture.

2 thoughts on “Wealth is a Test! Give and Distribute Abundantly!

    1. Yes! It certainly is counter to what the world teaches, but it aligns perfectly with what the Lord speaks of Himself…His thoughts are not like ours, His ways are not like ours, they are inconceivably higher! The wisdom of the world is utterly worthless to God and His ways seem foolish to the world. Thus, they are hidden and found only by those who are seeking His wisdom that is better than the greatest earthly treasure!
      Blessings! Victoria Ann

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