A Widow’s Mite of Faith

A Widow’s Mite of Faith

Yesterday the Lord spoke to me about something so amazing.  It had to do with the purity of the bloodline and the necessity of an unbroken line of righteousness to carry on the purity of the line. ” The seed of the righteous shall be delivered”. (Proverbs 11:21).  Always, there was a righteous man kept in reserve to carry forth the linage of the Kingdom.  It was Seth, it was Jared and Enoch and Methuselah and Noah and Shem and Eber, Abraham, David, up to Mary the virgin mother of Yeshuah… for He is the “seed of the woman” promised by the Lord God who would be the Savior of mankind.
(Genesis 3:15 , Matthew 1:22,23, Isaiah 7:14)

And now Holy Father spoke through my spirit…

“If the flow becomes polluted or corrupted, it seals that stream and another must take it’s place.
I find those that have turned from their ways and choose to follow Me: who choose the way of life,
not just in words and declarations, but in the intentions of their heart.

I look at the heart and the motives of a man to examine his ways.  (Jeremiah 17:10)
I consider the paths of the man.
Are the paths before him the paths of life?

For if I were to come and cause one to be My disciple and walk with Me,
and he were to turn away,

how much better it would have been had he not been enlightened to the wisdom
and discipline that I poured into him!
(2 Peter 2:21).
 For, to whom much is given, much is required.
(Luke 12:48)

Be careful of those things that you desire of Me,
for each testifies of your increasing light and understanding.

The responsibility of that granted request is greater than if it had not been granted.
 For should the enemy capture you, or should you not faithfully execute the office
that you seek, you will be demoted. 
(2 Peter 2:20,21)

You can “do” in your eyes, or the eyes of the world, far more for My kingdom
than another who has not risen to the knowledge and intimacy as you have,
and yet receive the same reward, or even less.

For you are judged on what you have been given and used.  (Matthew 25:14-30)

Had the one (steward) who was given five talents not used all five, but rather four,
and his return was less in comparison to what he was given,
then the one who was given but two talents would have been comparatively
more faithful than the other.

To leave the one talent he was given idle… to not take it and use it,
although he used the other four, would have been a great disappointment
to the master who entrusted this prized servant with five!

The master had given only a single talent to the one servant.
Had he used that talent and come to the master with another,
or with even two more: How greatly pleased the master would have been
with that servant, who exceeded the productivity
of even the more highly placed servant with the five!

For which servant then would have been the most trusting and faithful
with what they were given?

Is it not the servant with only the single talent,
which corresponds with his inexperience and level of understanding?

Had he gone forth and diligently sought wisdom and understanding
into how to best use the talent he was given,
knowing it was a measure of faith in the servant,

and not more than what he was capable of handling successfully,
without over-burdening him…
How great his reward!

Everyone is given a measure of faith.  (Romans 12:3)
With that faith they can move mountains, and with that faith they can stay where they are,
and only feel “lack.”

So many of My children do not realize that they have enough faith
to do whatever they can believe I can do!

It is not the servant who moves mountains: it is I!
–According to the faith of the servant’s heart and mind, and understanding,
that I will do according to the faith they exercise in Me. 
(Philippians 4:13)

I only require a mustard seed of faith(Luke 17:6)
If that is all the faith you were given, and it was directed solely at Me,

 expecting and waiting on Me with knowing diligence and trust:
that mountain would be moved, according to the mustard seed of faith that I gave. (Romans 12:3)
How much more that faith would grow as it required ALL your faith to do it!

It is like the Widow’s mite!  (Luke 21:1-4)
She invested ALL she had in Me.

All her living was in the “treasure” she brought in faith before Me.
Did I not say that she gave Me more, indeed far more than all the others
that dumped abundant treasure into My treasury?

Though it was but a mite…
she became greatly enriched by exercising all her faith in Me to provide for her!

To each is given according to their nature.
One does not harness an oxen to the chariot!
Though the oxen is strong and mighty, he is not fit for the chariot!

The horse would not have been used for plowing in place of the oxen,
for it does not challenge his swiftness, and the chariot does not challenge the strength of the oxen.
The athlete must always be extending himself in order to use all his abilities in the pursuit of the prize.

In war, the General would not place a newly enlisted and inexperienced man in a position that requires all the training and experience of one of much higher ranking and  physical endurance.

 And, the Navy SEAL would be greatly misused in the position of a new recruit.
Were medals to be given, would it be to the enlisted man who accomplished a mission in place of the SEAL, or the SEAL who far exceeded the mission of the new recruit?
It is the new recruit who would be far, far more rewarded!
The SEAL would receive little reward, for he was capable of far more.

It is the joy of the warrior to be stretched, and to have all his abilities tested and exercised and challenged, so that he gains in power and strength.
This is how he gains more.

It is true: “Use it or lose it.”

This applies to many areas of life such as intellect.
Those who no longer use their intellect to keep it sharp,
to learn and understand all their lives, will see their facilities declining in acuity.
Those who are athletic will grow soft and out of shape if they do not continue
to not only maintain their level of activity and exercise and training,
but to intentionally increase it.

Those who have money, if they do not invest it and use the money to gain more,
they will only use what they have.

Those who are given a measure of faith,
if they do not use what they have, they will lose it.

With each victory of faith, more is added.
For those who are given spiritual gifts, if they do not use them, none will be added to them.
And when the accounting is done, they will lose what they did not use.

Think of your faith as treasure to be spent.
Use it, and you will see great things, and your faith will be increased.
In this manner your faith may be doubled and re-doubled.
You will not do greater and greater things. No! You will ask of Me greater and greater things!

It is to My delight that I do these things, that My children will trust in Me,
and the world will know that I love My children,
 and I listen to them, and I desire that all would come to the saving knowledge and understating
of who I Am;
  that they would lay aside their idol of self, put it to the cross,
 and instead, pick up the eternal Life that I offer to any who would follow after Me.

Exchange your corrupted and passing flesh, and partake of life and walk with Me!
I will show you great and mighty things that I will do for you, and through you.
I am closer than a brother.
I am more faithful than any man.
I am the mighty King, and I hold all power in My hands.
All authority is Mine.
There is nothing that I cannot do according to your own faith in Me.
(Matthew 9:29)

Exercise your faith and ask of Me!
Ask, believing who I Am, and what I say is true.
I Am not a man that I should lie;
so if you believe that, you must also believe that I hear you
and I will come to your aid,

and I will do as you ask, believing that I will do it”
(Mark 11:24, James 1:6-8, Matthew 21:22, John 14:13)

Thank You Father!!!!


[Originally composed: January 27, 2016]


The Scripture passages are referenced so that you may study the scriptures to see how beautifully everything conforms together and is grounded in Him.  The references are not intended as a direct quote of any written translation of the Bible, but rather as a reference to anchor my writing in scripture.


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