The Gates are Opening
I woke up knowing I was dreaming of GATES. I was dreaming about a great red gate. I cannot put anything more into words. But I cried out to the Lord for understanding. Along with this dream and for the days leading up to it, I have to say I felt a great sense of dryness! I felt extreme thirst during the night, and also in a spiritual sense I have been feeling “dry”–And I do not know why…
Graciously, our Holy Father spoke to my spirit…
“There is indeed a great dryness in this land.
And before the land is ready to receive the water, it must desire the rain.
Those in the Gulf do not desire more rain, for they are overrun with water.
But when a land is deprived of the rain, they thirst for it…
Then they will hunger, as there is little food to be found due to the lack of rain.
Then they will receive the rain with great gladness.
It is difficult for the rich man to receive his food with thanksgiving to Me when there is bread overflowing,
and no understanding of need or want.
Yes, I rain upon the “just” and the “un-just.”
But I have placed in the midst of the un-saved,
those who know Me, so that when they are deprived of their food,
they will turn and listen to those who have a feast in the midst of famine.
The gates are opening, and I will soon be coming to take what belongs to Me.
There are no gates that can keep My children from Me,
for I hold every key!
I have every authority over all that is in the earth,
upon the earth,
beneath the earth
and in all the heavens!
I Am the Maker and Author of all that is created!
It is through Me and by Me that all things have their being.
Nothing can stop Me or slow down My appointed times!”
–Holy Father
Received on Wednesday October 12th The Year of my Lord 2016