A Word for the Children of the Heavenly Father

“…It is through the sorrows of the heart, the pits of anguish over sin, that the Children of Adonai are Sanctified and purified.
Their despair over their sin is not to be taken lightly!  

It is a work of the soul working out their salvation with fear and trembling.
They do not take forgiveness lightly! 

As a result, they will understand the cost of grace and forgiveness;
and they will know, to a great degree, the Power of Love.
Some do not yet come boldly into the ThroneRoom of Grace for themselves.
At this time, they come on behalf of those they love,
denying themselves that which they desire for others!
Yet, their soul is being chastened and purified in My sight.  

I would not short-change the great work that is being done by the operation of the sorrow and suffering for their sins.
All that they can do in the flesh towards their own cleansing is being used up!
 And when they come to the end of what their flesh can do,
they will enter into the realm of what the Spirit can, and will do
 in and through them, and the petitions that they lift up on behalf of those the Lord shall put in their path.
The prayers of the pure in heart are mighty and avail much for the Kingdom!

Each have their own path; but it leads to where I have reserved a position only for them.
My Spirit guides them to their places, but it is within their own hearts to come, or not to come.
In this way, I test the hearts and try the souls.
In this way they are purified, and I see that they are made fit to stand in the place reserved for them, before the foundations of this world were laid.  

I designed this Temple that is most Holy, before I created…
for I Am the Great Architect.
Before I created the Universe, I first designed the Temple of My Majesty, laying carefully the Living Stones that would sing My Glory, and in which I would magnify Myself: In them.
I have said that I would magnify the place of My dwelling, and indeed how beautiful is My dwelling place among those who Love Me and are called according to My Glory and according to their Love for Me!

My Love for them is expressed in their love for others.
As the moon reflects the light of the sun, so they, the Children who bear My own seal, reflect the Light of My Glory within themselves and to others.

In My House, the place of My Glory, there are very many Treasures.
Each of those comprising a place in My Temple is a Treasure unique unto Me and unto the house.  There are none missing!
For when I designed My Temple, the place of My worship,
I accounted for all who would come; And all have a place according the design I laid out in the Book, before the foundations of the Universe. 

My Son said that if the children did not sing for Him as He entered the City of David, then the Rocks would cry out! He was speaking of the Living Stones of the Temple of the King.
They are the Children of their King, and their Adonai!  Yah’shua is the Rock that followed them through the dessert, and He is the first Stone, and the Capstone: The first and the last!
 He is the Author and the Finisher, the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega.  

Oh My Children!  If you could only understand how you are encompassed all about by the guidance of My Holy Spirit; How loved and protected you are!
If you could understand that you have nothing to fear in Me!
Outside of Me, there is much to fear:
For the enemy of your souls is the Destroyer of the Temple of the Living GOD: 
The Living Adonai- Who lives among the Living Stones of His Temple! 
My Spirit is in the Stones and at the same time, the Living Stones encompass the Holy Spirit of the Living I Am.
Together, we are indeed One, and none shall be missing, not one shall be lost!
For the entire House, the Universe, is searched for all who will come into the House!
All who will come are searched out: All are found.
And when all are found, I will shut the door to the City!  

Just as I shut the door to the Ark, so I shall again, shut the door to the Temple of the Living Adonai, the Holy City!
And as was spoken by the Prophet Isaiah, “They shall go in, but they shall not come out!”
All shall be taught, and none shall teach them, for I Myself shall teach all, and they will be filled with the Knowledge of their Living Adonai!
Yahuwah is My Name;  I AM!
I Am the Adonai Who Is, Who Was and Who shall forever Be! 

Each walks her own path of pain and suffering;
For it is the pain of the heart over the deeds of the flesh, that cause the suffering.
I do not bring the pain and suffering upon My Children; rather I allow the recognition of the transgression, in contrast to My Grace and Love to do the work of purification.
Mortification is the process of death of the flesh into the new Life that springs forth in the Spirit, and then into the body of My children.
Sorrow is momentary, and for the work of purification and sanctification.
To bring forth its full fruit, Life, it must be allowed to work itself through in the lives of My Children, as they make their way into the path set before them to their final place in My Temple.

There is no quick way. The root of sin is very deep, and the more fully it is recognized by the Child, the deeper the torment in their soul, as they work it out with fear and trembling.
For the “fear” is the recognition of the abyss of sin: It’s eternal distance from the glory and eternal Life of the Father.
And the “trembling” is the deliverance from the enemies that surround the suffering and anguished soul of My Child, as a pack of jackals surround a weakened and suffering animal.
This is why the enemy prowls like a hungry and roaring lion, seeking whom he MAY devour!  

Behold! he may NOT touch My children that are going through the purification process.  

Though he may surround, and the lies of the hyenas are all about, by this, My Children learn to look to Me for their protection.
I will not allow them to perish in the wilderness!
But I will feed them, and I look over them, and I will lead them out of the wilderness; As the Shulammite, leaning on the arm of her Beloved.
As My Son also endured the dessert surrounded by the jackals and sorely tempted by the enemy, so too shall all My elect come forth, as washed sheep from the River of death to their fleshly enemies.
Out of the River Jordan they come forth into their Promised Land where they will dwell with Me in peace and rest.   

Remember that even as you pass through that Valley of the Shadow of death, you shall fear no evil; for I Am with thee!
Death is but a shadow to those who are the heirs of Eternal Life!
In the Valley, the rod and the staff bring comfort, as it drives out the enemies of the soul and protects.
But the process is, for the child, experienced as pain and suffering.
For they are passing from one state of “being,” into another: thru death to self into fullness of Life in Me.
There is no shortcut!  There is no easy route.
For the guest in the Masters’ house who wore his own garments was thrown out by the Host!
My Children have had their clothes washed in the blood of the Lamb, and they are made as white as snow!
They are cleansed in the Jordan, just as the Captain, Naaman was made clean of his slow death of leprosy!
The waters of the Jordan are indeed murky, for there is no clear path before those who enter!
They walk each and every step by Faith; for that is the only way to find the path! 

I have said that as you pass through the waters, I shall lead you!
When you enter into the fires of purification, I Am indeed with you!
I shall not leave you or forsake you, for these, My Precious gems; My Children, are being made Fiery Stones!
Those that are the golden vessels are being purified of the dross!
Once purified, they shall never again tarnish or spot!
Every stone brought into My Temple is made perfect before it is brought into its place!
Once in its place, it shall never be moved again!” 

-Heavenly Father 

  • [2011-05-15]


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