Like A Child

In a dream I was at my son-in-laws parents house in Phoenix. I stepped outside into the backyard, and my son-in-law, Marc, soon followed holding the hand of his young son, Noah.  In the back yard I saw their beautiful green oasis yard, but the retaining fence was gone, giving…

How to Fight in the Battles of the LORD

Today is Friday, September 11, 2020 the Year of our Lord and King!I got up this morning and as is my custom I came to sit before my Beloved Lord and listen and fellowship with Him.... He led me to this specific Word He gave me Friday, July 3, 2015.…


We all know the scripture “He whom the Son sets free, is free indeed!”  But, what does that really mean?  Why are so many of my brothers and sisters in Christ so obviously not “free indeed?”  Why are so many hurting and lonely and struggling with the same issues after they…


I dreamed that I was given the chance to purchase something of tremendous value to me.  Around me there was great scoffing that it was not worth it, but immediately I handed over one $20 bill after another to purchase this valuable thing which I had not yet seen.  Then there…

Our Brother’s Keeper

I woke up today with a burden on my heart.  The headlines are filled with stories and images of a world in distress.  Floods, fires, famines, natural disasters, increasing religious persecutions leading to massive numbers of refugees and orphans needing safe harbor, food, medicine, shelter…the list goes on and on!…

Know and Understand Your Enemy

I had a series of dreams about danger: Things that are taken for “myths” and “fables” are very often the residue of that which is true!  Do not be too quick to dismiss that which is handed down in the ancient stories as being tales; This world is far more…

Created For, and Identified with Christ 

…And God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.     Genesis  1:27 And Jehovah God said, It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper as his counterpart.     Genesis…

A Widow’s Mite of Faith

Yesterday the Lord spoke to me about something so amazing.  It had to do with the purity of the bloodline and the necessity of an unbroken line of righteousness to carry on the purity of the line. " The seed of the righteous shall be delivered". (Proverbs 11:21).  Always, there…