The Sheep are My Sheep: The Goats are Goats…

Holy Father!!  What was I dreaming/seeing before I got up this morning?  It was not pleasant!Immediately, Holy Father began imparting understanding... "The works of a man, when de-nuded of their exterior adornments; with the mask pulled back and the heart exposed, and without the leading of the Holy Spirit, are…

When You Reach Nothingness, You Find Me

“Infinity is within you. My kingdom is infinite. When you look to infinity you are drawn to nothingness. God created all things out of nothing. When you reach nothingness— You find Him” This is the Word of the Lord to me in my time with Him on October 12th 2002.…

I Discern the Heart, Not the Works

This morning I had a vision (dream) of a little girl… perhaps about 5 or 6 years old: Innocent. She reminded me very much of my oldest daughter when she was that age, in that she was so pure and innocent, and she had blond curly hair.  This poor precious…

The POWER of Praise and Worship From the Heart

  I’m forgiven, because You were rejected. I’m accepted, You were condemned!  I’m alive and well, Your Spirit lives within me; Because You died and rose again! Amazing Love!  How can it be? That You, my King should die for me? Amazing Love, I know it’s true, And it’s my joy…


I found this journal entry from about a year ago.  It was early in the morning when I wrote this prayer.  I was struggling, as I still do, and I always have, to "stay on course".  I struggle against procrastination.  I struggle against distractions.  YouTube and Facebook could entrap me…


We all know the scripture “He whom the Son sets free, is free indeed!”  But, what does that really mean?  Why are so many of my brothers and sisters in Christ so obviously not “free indeed?”  Why are so many hurting and lonely and struggling with the same issues after they…

Our Brother’s Keeper

I woke up today with a burden on my heart.  The headlines are filled with stories and images of a world in distress.  Floods, fires, famines, natural disasters, increasing religious persecutions leading to massive numbers of refugees and orphans needing safe harbor, food, medicine, shelter…the list goes on and on!…